The three people I asked were Carly, Anna and Charlotte.
The first question I asked was 'What instantly attracts you to the magazine?'
Anna: 'The picture attracts me instantly, because front cover photos are normally shot in a studio, the different location makes it quite unique.'
Carly: 'The white text makes you look at the stories first, you can instantly see what's in the magazine, and it makes me want to read the magazine.'
Charlotte: ' The stories attracted me most, the competition to win festival tickets would interest me.'
The second question I asked was 'What do you think of the contents page?'
Anna: 'It's set out well and looks fashionable.'
Carly: ' It's easy to read and lets me easily see what the main stories are.'
Charlotte: There are a range of stories, there is something for most people to read.'
The third question I asked was 'How do you feel the magazine addresses its readers in the double page spread?'
Anna: 'I think they are really positive about the band, and talk to the reader positively too. I noticed that they use emotive language to talk about the bands troubles, it makes the article a bit more personal. I also like the background of the pages. '
Carly: 'They are positive about the band, and quite complimentary, they show the band in a positive light. I like how in the contents page it said in the box about the festival 'Will you be going?' The direct address makes me want to say yes!'
Charlotte: 'They compliment the band a lot, and the article would probably help their popularity. What I like is that the girls aren't heavily made up or wearing ridiculous clothes, it's quite realistic of girls our age. They are friendly towards the audience, and the pictures also help with the bands positive image.'
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